One-Stop Center supports foreign-affiliated firms advancing to Shizuoka Prefecture to build plants or business bases.

Investment Guide

Q. The situation of employment and workforce in Shizuoka pref.

A. The situation of working population and skilled work resources.

Working population

(thousand ,%)

Working Population Total unemployment rate
employed Unemployment
Shizuoka 2,034 1,994 40 2.0%
Japan 68,982 67,445 1,534 2.4%

*the ministry of internal affairs research labor force(2019)

 Educational institution(University, College, technical college)


type quantity name
National University,graduate school 3 Shizuoka, graduate university for advanced studies、Hamamatsu medical
technical college 1 Numazu technical college
Public University, graduate school 2 Shizuoka prefectural, shizuoka culture and art
College,technical college 1 Shizuoka prefectural
private University, graduate school 12 Shizuoka Eiwa gakuin, Shizuoka industry
Shizuoka welfare, shizuoka science and engineering,Juntendo(health and sanitation),Seirei Cristpher, Tokai(sea),Tokoha, Nihon(international relation),Hamamatsu Gakuin,The graduate school for the creation of newphotonics industries, Hosei
College, technical college 5 Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin, Tokai, Tokoha,Nihon, Hamamatsu Gakuin


Rank Japan Shizuoka
1 China 124,436(39.9%) China 437(37.2%)
2 Vietnam 73,389(23.5%) Vietnam 220(18.7%)
3 Nepal 26,308( 8.4%) Korea 59( 5.0%)
4 Korea 18,338( 5.9%) Indonesia 123(10.5%)
5 Taiwan 9,384( 3.1%) Banglaskilldesh 56( 4.8%)
total 312,214( - ) 1,176( - )

*JASSO(2019), Shizuoka prefecture, Shizuoka foreign students interaction conference(2019)

Q. Environment of business in Shizuoka prefecture

A. Shizuoka is the best place for manufacturer by high level infrastructure, accumulated manufacturing industry, full assistance.

High level infrastructure

  • From the old time the shizuoka is called as the strategic point in japan archipelago、transport infrastructure for example Tomei express way, new Tomei express way, Fujisan airport etc. makes possible to access domestic and foreign countries.
  • Fujisan Shizuoka airport has many lanes through Shanghai Pudong (China)and Inchoen (Korea).

Full transportation infrastructure

  • Shizuoka prefecture has made effort for over 40 years to protect earthquake disaster to live and doing business in safety, well known “advanced prefecture against earthquake.
  • The ratio of earthquake-resistant of public school building is 99.5%, and the ratio of supplies of city and town is 95.9%, etc. Shizuoka prefectural government is promoting measures to protect the life by making strong environment.

accumulation of manufacturing industry

  • ・ The Amount of shipping products of Shizuoka Pref. is ranked no.4 in Japan.
    Mainly related transportation machine manufacturers are accumulating over one thousand.

Rank of shizuoka in japan(employee number =more than 4 )

rank Number employee Amount of products
(billion yen)
1 Osaka 15,500 Aichi 863,149 Aichi 48,720
2 Aichi 15,322 Osaka 447,404 Kanagawa 18,443
3 Saitama 10,796 Shizuoka 413,309 Osaka 17,561
4 Tokyo 9,870 Saitama 399,193 Shizuoka 17,539
5 Shizuoka 9,002 Kanagawa 355,924 Hyogo 16,507

The ministry of economy ,trade and industry: industry statistics(2020

  • ・ There are many world brand corporation in Shizuoka like Suzuki motor vehicle, Yamaha musical instruments etc.

Global brand corporation

  • There are 3158 companies invested in japan. The base of 739 companies are located in except for Tokyo and the number of bases of manufacturing located in shizuoka is No.1 in Japan.

The number of base

Rank Headquarters Manufacturing Development Logistics
1 Kanagawa 220 Shizuoka 33 Kanagawa 14 Osaka,Kanagawa 14
2 Osaka 100 Kanagawa 29 Ibaragi  8
3 Hyogo  68 Ibaragi 20 Hyogo  7 Chiba 12
4 Chiba  38 Chiba 19 ShizuokaAichi  6 Aichi 10
5 Saitama  33 Aichi 18 Shizuoka,Saitama  6

*『Data bank of foreign company in Japan2014』

Full assistance

  • We have many kinds of support “subsidy for establish factory or development facility” “finance for advancing into new industry”「” medical, food, assist for the industry related to light and electronics”
  • Especially for foreign companies, one stop center for foreign companies supports to find land and to do any other procedures.

Q. Life environment of Shizuoka

A. You can enjoy abundant nature in the foot of Mt. Fuji and mild climate.

“FUJI no kuni”Shizuoka

You can enjoy four distinct seasons with Japanese no.1 Mt Fuji

:Shizuoka Tourism Organization

temperature Highest 32.3℃~ lowest 2.3℃ average 17.6℃
Sunlight hours /year 2099
Snowfall 1 day

In travel cite, Atami and Ito onsen are ranked no 1 and no 2 in Japanese all SPA.
And the number of hotels in Shizuoka is most in Japan.
The number of Shizuoka pref. 2928 is ranked no 1 in Japan (49,502).

Life environment in compact and balanced

(thousand yen, hour/minute)

Prefecture Individual income Transportation hours Working hours Sleeping hours
Shizuoka 3,300 68 5/56 7/38
Tokyo 5,348 94 5/39 7/35
Aichi 3,633 79 5/57 7/35
Kyoto 2,926 80 5/42 7/49
Osaka 3,056 85 5/52 7/36
Japan 3,217 79 5/55 7/40

*the cabinet office economy and social research institute(2016 data)

Low cost for life

prefecture Average land price (yen/㎡)
For house For commercial business For manufacturing
Shizuoka 64,500 140,900 46,600
Tokyo 378,100 2,145,600 250,400
Aichi 104,300 423,900 57,700
Kyoto 109,300 102,700 78,900
Osaka 150,700 1,060,400 108,600

*the ministry of land and transportation
Research of prefectural land price(2020)

Q. Outline of Shizuoka prefecture

A. Shizuoka pref. is located in the central of Japan, abundantly blessed with nature in the foot of Mt. Fuji, mild climate, having highly advanced industry and infrastructure.

Land、population, individual income of Shizuoka pref.

unit Japan Shizuoka Share% rank
area Km2 377,947 7,777 2.1 13
Population Thousand 126,443 3,659 2.9 10
Foreign resident Persons 2,829,416 96,654 3.4 8
Nominal Output Million yen 549,866,191 17,044,389 3.1 10
Base as industry Total 5,340,783 172,031 3.2 10
Construction 492,734 17,654 3.6 9
Manufacturing 454,800 19,526 4.3 5
Sales 1,355,060 43,072 3.2 10
Service 346,616 10,380 3.0 10
industry Base 188,249 9,138 4.9 5
Employee Persons 7,697,321 405,154 5.3 3
Shipment Million yen 319,166,725 16,787,113 5.3 4

Q. Procedures for employment

A. It is needs to report the labor standards office, the public employment security office and the pension office etc.

It is possible to rely on a social insurance labor consultant who is specialized in calculate salary, procedures of labor and social insurance and pension

receiver report content
The labor standards office Work rules(law of labor standards) In case employ over 10 employee, make work rules include(time of start and close, holiday, leave, decision of salary, hoe to pay, allowance, bonus, retirement etc.)and report
Agreement of overtime work, holiday work(law of labor standards) Make and report the agreement of general overtime work and holiday work.
the start of insurances (law of labor premium collection) In case start the place employ, report within 10 days.
The public employment office Establish the place adopted employment insurance(law of employment insurance) When establishing business place, report the kind of business, the number of applied employees and purpose of establishing place etc. within 10 days for applied the employment insurance.
Entitled as employee adopted   employment insurance (law of employment insurance) Report the fact employee applied for employment insurance until the 10th of next moth
The pension office Place adopted for Health insurance and  corporate employee pension plan (law of health insurance and law of cooperate employee pension plan) When establishing place for business the name of place, address, kind of business etc. within 5 days to the pension office. And start  employment, report application of employment insurance within 5 days to pension office.
The tax office Start of place paying wage for employee(law of income tax) Report the payment of wage.


Q. Social insurance of employment

A. It needs for employ ”employment insurance” ”industrial accident insurance” ”health insurance” “the corporate employee pension plan insurance” and the premium has to be paid by both company and employee, and only by company. General premium of Shizuoka prefecture is below.2020)

Kind Outline coverage Premium rate
(year wage1×%)
employer employee
Employment insurance For the unemployed, children left, senior In case the work time is over 20hours /week 0.6% 0.3%
Industrial accident insurance For injury and sick occurred by working and transportation All business place employing 0.3%(*4)
Health ・caring insurance For other case above and childbirth All employee, part time worker 4.865%(*1)
Corporate employee pension plan insurance For aging, disability, death  〃 9.15% 9.15%
Contribution for Allowance for children Contribution for Allowance for children(not paid for employee) 0.36%
total 15.275%(*2) 14.315%(*3)

(*1) (*2) (*3) add 1.58% premium for caring insurance to employee age over 40 year old
(*4) depend on kind of industry (0.3-2.6%)

Q. Japanese wage standard

A. Salary (before reduction of tax and social insurance premium)

  • Basic salary, allowance based on responsibility, transportation etc.(not include bonus and allowance for overtime work)
  • Annual wage is approximately (basic salary ×(12+4~5(bonus))Wage rebel according to prefecture and industry

(thousand yen)

Rank Prefecture age Length of employment(year)t salary
Total manufacturing Wholesaling/retailing service
Total 43.1 12.4 307.7 295.2 315.7 262.6
1位 Tokyo 42.5 12.2 379.0 372.7 387.1 307.3
2位 Kanagawa 43.4 12.5 341.1 351.1 336.1 282.2
3位 Osaka 42.9 12.4 332.2 326.6 337.9 276.3
4位 Aichi 42.2 13.3 318.5 312.3 336.0 262.9
5位 Hyogo 42.5 12.0 305.3 306.4 304.2 260.5
18位 Shizuoka 43.4 12.7 287.1 290.8 271.0 239.9
42位 Saga 44.0 12.0 249.4 245.4 240.0 218.3
43位 Iwate 44.4 12.6 245.7 242.5 239.1 211.2
44位 Yamagata 43.6 13.6 245.3 237.7 238.1 201.7
45位 Akita 44.6 13.6 243.9 231.9 246.6 209.1
46位 Miyazaki 43.9 11.6 243.0 229.4 244.7 201.7
47位 Aomori 44.5 12.6 239.0 216.2 244.2 200.2

*the ministry of health, labor and welfare :wage structure 2019

Wage rebel according to age and academic back ground

(thousand yen)

Academic back ground total 20~24 30~34 40~44 50~54
Total 307.0 210.9 275.9 329.6 373.5
University/Graduate school 372.6 227.0 308.7 408.5 512.5
Technical college 283.2 210.3 255.9 294.4 332.4
High school 267.6 196.9 243.1 283.2 307.3
Junior high school 249.1 194.8 236.8 272.0 279.5

*The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare : wage structure research(2019)

Difference of salary according to age and type of employment

Academic back ground total 20~24 30~34 40~44 50~54
Regular employee 325.4 214.6 284.8 344.4 398.6
Other 211.2 180.8 204.7 208.2 206.6

*The Ministry of Health , Labor and Welfare: Wage structure research(2019)

Q. Payment system of japan

A. The rule of Japanese payment system is below

Basic principle

  • The wage has to be paid to the employee “over one time in a month” “at the decided day” “by the currency” and “directly”
  • But if accepted by the employee, it is possible to pay to the bank account.

Security of minimum wage

  • Law of the security minimum wage, the minimum wage is prescribed for each prefecture.
  • Minimum wage of main prefecture in 2019 is below
  • Minimum wage is increasing because of the lack of labor shortage.

(yen, hourly wage)

Hokkaido Tokyo Kanagawa Shizuoka Aichi Osaka Fukuoka average
Minimum wage 861 1,013 1,011 885 926 964 841 901

*The ministry of health, labor and welfare

Wage system

  •  Monthly salary: usually Japanese company pay wage monthly. In addition to the monthly wage pays two times bonus in summer and winter.
  • Japanese wagea

    a salary is consist of basic wage, (several kinds of allowance “housing,
    Family and transportation etc.)

    b the weight of bonus is large in wage. (private company’s bonus is usually 4-5 months of salary equivalent : Japan business federation)

  • The company is increasing to introduce annual salary system. Under the Japanese legal of labor, it is advantageous for employees.

Retirement allowance

  • Almost of Japanese company has retirement allowance system and the amount of allowance depends on the salary, working year and the reason of retirement.
  • Those allowance is favor for employee at taxation (ex. the subject of taxation is treated as 1/2)
  • The company’s reserve fund for retirement allowance is treated cost in taxation under required condition.

Q. Employment system in Japan (hiring employee)

A.  It is a main employment opportunity at new graduating period: April, but there are many irregular hiring times depend on generalization of job changing. And there are examples using temporary staff agency. In actually hiring it is better go to public labor agency and employment agency.

One stop center for foreign companies of Shizuoka prefecture introduce specialists experienced and human resources in Shizuoka.

Hiring new graduate

  • Japanese education agency adopt education period from April to next March for a year so generally the start of the employment is first April, and the examination for hiring is out on former Spring to Autumn.
  • In case hiring high school students apply job information to high schools through public employment agency. In case hiring university students apply job information to each university’s division charged in careers section directly, or in recently each university student will apply to the company directly.
  • If the company has relation with the university, they may contact the teacher.
    Generally flow of hiring is ①visit company, ②interview・ examination etc.

Hiring experienced person

  • In case of hiring experienced person it is possible to hire any time.
  • Generally it will be used job advertisement of newspaper and magazine and offering public employment agency. In recently the case of offering private employment agency is increasing.
  • There two types intermediation of employment
    <General introducing>
    Depend on the both offers the agencies making the match of company and person
    <Executive search>
    Depend on company’s need the agency recruit suitable person
  • The fee for hiring is depend on success (contingent fee), it will cost 20-30% of wages of employee planned.

Dispatched worker and part-time worker

  • There are cases using the private temporary agency.
  • Those cases the company contract private agency for hiring temporary worker and the agency will make contract with the worker each time. There many needs especially these works “OA machine operation” ”filing” “creating papers” “accounting”
  • If in the case of easy work it is used part time worker hiring through advertisement of newspaper etc. in the case of special work it is used temporary agency.
  • The laws of labor protection are adopted for temporary and part time workers.

Q. The situation of employment of Japan

A. There are any characteristics of Japanese employment system, “lifetime employment” and “pay system based on seniority”. Affected by advancing globalization and economy situation, these systems are diminishing, but there some old customs in presence.

Employment style

  • Those customs like lifetime employment and payment system based on seniority have been contributing to Japanese economic growth and stability.
  • The other hands there are many companies adopt systems like “part time worker” “out sourcing” “merit system” “performance based payment system” etc.
  • But Japanese length of employment is longer than any other countries in the world.


Country Shorter than 1years 1≦★≦10 10≦
Japan 7.9 46.2 45.8
U.S.A. 22.3 48.9 28.8
Germany 14.6 45.1 40.3
France 15.1 39.2 45.6
Korea 30.7 47.7 21.5
Australia 20.9 54.1 25.0

*independent governmental labor policy research and training institution
Comparing international labor data book 2019(data 2017)

Productive age population

Japanese productive age population(15~64)
It becomes big problem for the companies in Japan to secure sufficient labors for the lack of labor force effected by population decreasing, it is very important to prepare for establish business in Japan.

(Thousand, %)

Country 2000年 2010年 2020年
Japan 8,701(68.2) 8,246(64.1) 7,482 (59.2) 7,004(58.0)
U.S.A. 18,583(66.0) 20,646(66.8) 21,514(65.0) 21,767(62.3)
Germany 5,522(67.8) 5,325(65.9) 5,392(64.4) 4,948(59.5)
France 3,838(65.0) 4,066(64.7) 4,020(61.6) 3,980(59.7)
China 88,273(68.4) 100,287(73.3) 101,213(70.3) 98,650(67.4)
Korea 3,421(72.2) 3,627(73.2) 3,674(71.7) 3,314(64.8)
Australia 1,269(66.8) 1,497(67.6) 1,645(64.5) 1,758(62.4)

*independent governmental labor policy research and training institution
Comparing international labor data book 2019

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foreign-affiliated companies

One-Stop Center.

One-Stop Service Center | Shizuoka international Business Association.

Shizuoka International Business Association,
44-1 Ohtemachi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 420-0853 Japan.



* Under entrustment from the Shizuoka prefectural government, the Center is operated by the Shizuoka International Business Association (SIBA).

* The cost for the operation of the Center is born by the prefectural government. Anyone can use the Center free of charge.