One-Stop Center supports foreign-affiliated firms advancing to Shizuoka Prefecture to build plants or business bases.

Investment Guide

Q. The situation of employment of Japan

A. There are any characteristics of Japanese employment system, “lifetime employment” and “pay system based on seniority”. Affected by advancing globalization and economy situation, these systems are diminishing, but there some old customs in presence.

Employment style

  • Those customs like lifetime employment and payment system based on seniority have been contributing to Japanese economic growth and stability.
  • The other hands there are many companies adopt systems like “part time worker” “out sourcing” “merit system” “performance based payment system” etc.
  • But Japanese length of employment is longer than any other countries in the world.


Country Shorter than 1years 1≦★≦10 10≦
Japan 7.9 46.2 45.8
U.S.A. 22.3 48.9 28.8
Germany 14.6 45.1 40.3
France 15.1 39.2 45.6
Korea 30.7 47.7 21.5
Australia 20.9 54.1 25.0

*independent governmental labor policy research and training institution
Comparing international labor data book 2019(data 2017)

Productive age population

Japanese productive age population(15~64)
It becomes big problem for the companies in Japan to secure sufficient labors for the lack of labor force effected by population decreasing, it is very important to prepare for establish business in Japan.

(Thousand, %)

Country 2000年 2010年 2020年
Japan 8,701(68.2) 8,246(64.1) 7,482 (59.2) 7,004(58.0)
U.S.A. 18,583(66.0) 20,646(66.8) 21,514(65.0) 21,767(62.3)
Germany 5,522(67.8) 5,325(65.9) 5,392(64.4) 4,948(59.5)
France 3,838(65.0) 4,066(64.7) 4,020(61.6) 3,980(59.7)
China 88,273(68.4) 100,287(73.3) 101,213(70.3) 98,650(67.4)
Korea 3,421(72.2) 3,627(73.2) 3,674(71.7) 3,314(64.8)
Australia 1,269(66.8) 1,497(67.6) 1,645(64.5) 1,758(62.4)

*independent governmental labor policy research and training institution
Comparing international labor data book 2019

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foreign-affiliated companies

One-Stop Center.

One-Stop Service Center | Shizuoka international Business Association.

Shizuoka International Business Association,
44-1 Ohtemachi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 420-0853 Japan.



* Under entrustment from the Shizuoka prefectural government, the Center is operated by the Shizuoka International Business Association (SIBA).

* The cost for the operation of the Center is born by the prefectural government. Anyone can use the Center free of charge.