One-Stop Center supports foreign-affiliated firms advancing to Shizuoka Prefecture to build plants or business bases.

Investment Guide

Q. Environment of business in Shizuoka prefecture

A. Shizuoka is the best place for manufacturer by high level infrastructure, accumulated manufacturing industry, full assistance.

High level infrastructure

  • From the old time the shizuoka is called as the strategic point in japan archipelago、transport infrastructure for example Tomei express way, new Tomei express way, Fujisan airport etc. makes possible to access domestic and foreign countries.
  • Fujisan Shizuoka airport has many lanes through Shanghai Pudong (China)and Inchoen (Korea).

Full transportation infrastructure

  • Shizuoka prefecture has made effort for over 40 years to protect earthquake disaster to live and doing business in safety, well known “advanced prefecture against earthquake.
  • The ratio of earthquake-resistant of public school building is 99.5%, and the ratio of supplies of city and town is 95.9%, etc. Shizuoka prefectural government is promoting measures to protect the life by making strong environment.

accumulation of manufacturing industry

  • ・ The Amount of shipping products of Shizuoka Pref. is ranked no.4 in Japan.
    Mainly related transportation machine manufacturers are accumulating over one thousand.

Rank of shizuoka in japan(employee number =more than 4 )

rank Number employee Amount of products
(billion yen)
1 Osaka 15,500 Aichi 863,149 Aichi 48,720
2 Aichi 15,322 Osaka 447,404 Kanagawa 18,443
3 Saitama 10,796 Shizuoka 413,309 Osaka 17,561
4 Tokyo 9,870 Saitama 399,193 Shizuoka 17,539
5 Shizuoka 9,002 Kanagawa 355,924 Hyogo 16,507

The ministry of economy ,trade and industry: industry statistics(2020

  • ・ There are many world brand corporation in Shizuoka like Suzuki motor vehicle, Yamaha musical instruments etc.

Global brand corporation

  • There are 3158 companies invested in japan. The base of 739 companies are located in except for Tokyo and the number of bases of manufacturing located in shizuoka is No.1 in Japan.

The number of base

Rank Headquarters Manufacturing Development Logistics
1 Kanagawa 220 Shizuoka 33 Kanagawa 14 Osaka,Kanagawa 14
2 Osaka 100 Kanagawa 29 Ibaragi  8
3 Hyogo  68 Ibaragi 20 Hyogo  7 Chiba 12
4 Chiba  38 Chiba 19 ShizuokaAichi  6 Aichi 10
5 Saitama  33 Aichi 18 Shizuoka,Saitama  6

*『Data bank of foreign company in Japan2014』

Full assistance

  • We have many kinds of support “subsidy for establish factory or development facility” “finance for advancing into new industry”「” medical, food, assist for the industry related to light and electronics”
  • Especially for foreign companies, one stop center for foreign companies supports to find land and to do any other procedures.
  • 2023/03/01 Information about entering to Japan
  • 2021/03/15 Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan: Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus
  • 2020/08/31 Shizuoka Pref. COVID19 Hot Line in 19 languages for 24 hours
  • 2020/07/10 Meti’s support measures Covid19
  • 2020/05/13 guide to special support cash payments pdf file for 11 languages

foreign-affiliated companies

One-Stop Center.

One-Stop Service Center | Shizuoka international Business Association.

Shizuoka International Business Association,
44-1 Ohtemachi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 420-0853 Japan.



* Under entrustment from the Shizuoka prefectural government, the Center is operated by the Shizuoka International Business Association (SIBA).

* The cost for the operation of the Center is born by the prefectural government. Anyone can use the Center free of charge.