
About this Site

About this site

“Website” means https://onestop-shizuoka.jp in this page.
“Association” in this page means Shizuoka International Business Association.

About links

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The Association is not liable or responsible for any content in any link from this website. For the pages in such link, directly contact the administrator who owns and operates them.

About disclaimer

The information in this website has been scrutinized before it is made public, however, even though any damage or loss occurs from the use of any information in this website, the Association is by no means liable and responsible for it.

All or a part of this website may be changed, stopped, delayed, deleted, or terminated this website itself without prior notice, and the Association is not liable or responsible for any damage or loss accrued from such change, stop, delay, deletion or termination.



  • 2023/03/01 Information about entering to Japan
  • 2021/03/15 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する水際対策の強化について外務省HPを確認してください。https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/ca/fna/page4_005130.html
  • 2020/08/31 静岡県新型コロナウイルス多言語相談ホットライン 0120-997-479 19言語に24時間対応
  • 2020/07/10 新型コロナウイルス関連日本政府支援策 Meti’s support measures Covid19 https://www.meti.go.jp/emglish/covid-19/index.html
  • 2020/05/13 COVID19特別定額給付金について https://kyufukin.soumu.go.jp/







